Letter from Bhagwan Singh Gyanee to Mr. Winter
Letter from Bhagwan Singh Gyanee to William Winter, a news reporter on KABC Los Angeles. Titled “The Need of Our Time,” the letter outlines Gyanee's ideology, and mentions how Gyanee had met Winter at Jerry Hundel’s reception for the Consul General of India.
Letter from Bhagwan Singh Gyanee to Jagjit Singh
Letter from Bhagwan Singh Gyanee to Jagjit Singh, dated June 18, 1956. Gyanee remarks on Singh's book Gadar Party Laher, praising its research and also offering various corrections. Gyanee details the factions within the party, the antagonism between Gadar Party and the Gurdwara Party of Stockton, and disagrees with Singh's evaluation of the German influence on the Gadar movement.
Letter from Taraknath Das to H.R. Roberts
Letter from Taraknath Das to H.R. Roberts dated June 9, 1914, thanking him for his help in being admitted as a citizen of the U.S.
India Needs Your Help Not Tomorrow But Now
Typed pamphlet titled "India Needs Your Help Not Tomorrow But - Now," from the Los Angeles Branch of the All-World Gandhi Fellowship. The pamphlet explains the mission of the All-World Gandhi Fellowship to promote non-violence and satyagraha, to win friends for India, and to educate the public about the conditions in India.
Letter from L.H. Hughes to Mrs. Annette Adams
Letter from L.H. Hughes to Annette Adams, Assistant U.S. District Attorney dated September 18, 1917. In the letter, Hughes inquires about the whereabouts of Santokh Singh (misspelled Santogh) and writes that he is "interested in some litigation for some local Hindus." Singh was arrested in connection with the Hindu-German conspiracy.
Letter from United States Marshal to John Preston
Letter dated December 31, 1917 from United States Marshal to John W. Preston regarding a German national living in Fresno, California who did copywork for Ram Chandra on Ghadar Party-related documents and provided information useful to the 1917 Hindu German Conspiracy case.