Letter from Ram Bagai
Letter from Ram Bagai to Prabha Lalit Mohan, dated January 14, 1982. The letter concerns the inheritance left by Mahesh Chandra after his death on December 13, 1981.
Letter from M.W. Newbold to Mahesh Chandra
Letter from Dr. M.W. Newbold to Mahesh Chandra, regarding his brother Ramesh Chandra, who had suffered a coma without regaining consciousness.
Letter from Ram Chandra to Mahesh Chandra
Letter from Ramesh Chandra to his brother Mahesh, dated March 9, 1967. The envelope is labeled "Ramesh's last letter." In the letter, Chandra writes about his deteriorating health.
Pioneer Indian Dies in L.A.
Article from the February 1982 issue of The India Reporter reporting on the death of Mahesh Chandra Bansal. The article describes details of Bansal's life, including his arrival in the U.S. in 1910, his education at Berkeley and Stanford, his involvement with the Gadar Party, his marriage to Kala Bagai Chandra.
Postcard from Mahesh Chandra to Mr. & Mrs. Ram M. Bagai
Postcard from Mahesh and Kala "Jhaiji" Chandra to Ram and Tara Bagai dated May 26, 1967 and sent from San Francisco, California. In the postcard, the Chandras indicate that they learned of the death of Ramesh Chandra, who had died from a brain hemorrhage in Lodi, California.
Advertisement for Sandya The Music Maker
Advertisement for the American Premiere of the film Sandya the Music Maker at the Richelieu Cinema in San Francisco on April 27, 1966.
Tribute to Mrs. Kala Bagai Chandra (Jhaiji)
Program for tribute held in Los Angeles for Kala Bagai Chandra, who passed away on October 4, 1983. The program includes photographs and details about Chandra, who was one of the first Indian women to migrate to the U.S.