"The Call of the Martyrs"
Bulletin of the Hindustan Gadar Party Memorial Committee (Vol. 3, No. 10) dated August 1967, with a front page story on Bhagat Singh Thind.
Pakistan Forum Vol. II, No. 1
The October 1971 issue of Pakistan Forum (Vol. 2, No. 1), based in Ontario and edited by Aijaz Ahmad, Eqbal Ahmad, and Feroz Ahmed. Includes essays and reviews by Saghir Ahmad, Feroz Ahmed, Abdul H. Khan, including an interview with Muzzaffar Ahmed, President of the pro-Moscow Bangladesh National Awami Party.
SAMAR Magazine Issue #9 (Winter/Spring 1998)
The Winter/Spring 1998 issue of SAMAR (No. 9) focused on the theme of "conservatism," and featured contributions by Vijay Prashad, David Bergman, Arvind Rajagopal, Sunaina Maira, Faiza Ahmad, Pervez Hoodbhoy, Naeem Mohaimen, Sagheer Faiz, Srinivas Kuruganti, Michelle Yasmine Valladares, Pratyusha Basu, and Dina Siddiqui.
SAMAR Magazine Issue #8 (Summer/Fall 1997)
The Summer/Fall 1997 issue of SAMAR (No. 8), subtitled "Organizing by Any Means Necessary," addressed activist movements, with a special attention to Organizers in the San Francisco Bay Area, South Asian domestic workers, and the Bhopal campaign.
SAMAR Magazine Issue #3 (Summer 1994)
The Summer 1994 issue of SAMAR (No. 3), entitled "The Packaging of South Asia," included articles that analyzed representations of South Asia in the world, with special attention to representations of Pakistan, Sri Lanka, India, and Kashmir.
Lease Driver Coalition Letter
Letter announcing the formation of the New York Taxi Workers Alliance from the Lease Driver Coalition.
Newspaper Clippings about Eqbal Ahmad
Newspaper clippings in Urdu and English from the Pakistan Times of articles and letters to the editor urging support for Eqbal Ahmad, the Pakistani-born scholar and anti-war activist indicted for conspiring to kidnap Presidential adviser Henry Kissinger.
Letter from Ram Nath Puri to Abnashi Ram
Letter from Ram Nath Puri to Abnashi Ram, dated April 11, 1969 and postmarked from Los Angeles. Puri writes of being unable to return to India due to his advanced age, and discusses his loneliness and other difficulties in life. The letter is handwritten in Urdu.