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Letter from Abnashi Ram to M.R. Ahuja

Letter from Abnashi Ram to M.R. Ahuja. The letter discusses Ram’s recovery in the aftermath of his car accident, and also mentions that Guru, his son, wants to bring his mother to the United States.

Type: Correspondence
Creator: Abnashi Ram

Dear Friend Mulk Raj,
Thanks for your last letter of a few weeks back. In spite of its sad tone and depressing contents, to hear from you is always a pleasure.
Yes my friend, our intense desire to get together before the lights flicker away, is being postponed continuously which is quite disappointing, yet out of my control.
Besides that old heart condition, the automobile accident of last year has left me in a very haphazard condition. Thank God I survived. Outwardly its effects have disappeared but the marks of good scalping on the forehead seem to be permanent – another permanent wrinkle. Actually it was no joke after reviewing the time that happened. Seventy stitches and three hours of bleeding profusely to live after, while I was planning to be in Toronto with you. Why? Now the summer is here and that is hard to face in India.

Besides that, there has come up another problem. My son Guru is determined to bring his mother here. He is making full preparation at his own expense to fulfill the duty and he considers, my disappearing at that time will add fuel to the fire in his mother’s heart. She has suffered enough. Raj Roshan and the children are also quite excited about it and they are anxious to welcome her.
In my opinion, for Guru’s mother to get adjusted into these new environments at her age under his shelter will be a little difficult, yet his wife and Guru are determined to make her last days comfortable here. And they are quite adamant about it. I feel, let them try, as my present circumstances do not permit me to take over this urgent mission that is long overdue.
That poor lady has suffered enough in her life and she has a full right to enjoy the company of her children and grandchildren after decades of lonliness and sufferings. Reviewing my past, besides this episode of my children’s mother’s absence, over which I had no control, there is hardly any regret in my heart. Good Lord, the friends in and the world in general, all have been kind to me. Considering the place of my birth (Sone Valley), where there were no schools, no hospitals, no police, law or order, since leaving it, I have missed very little on this planet.
Some times I feel that God ushered me into this world at the end of the nineteenth century to see and enjoy the miracles of the twentieth century. The fables of the Arabian Nights have become actualities. I am sharing the advantages of it. And then in the very land which is giving a birth to all the miracles and trying to share them with the rest of the world. From camel ride to Khushab and then tonga ride to the train, which to me was the last word, now I see astronauts going around at 17000 miles an hour, news from the world over to any place at 1/8th of a second. And thousands more things about which you are not unfamiliar.

Here in USA, my friend Ahuja, now there are running the rivers of honey and milk that Prophet Mohamad mentioned in the holy book for his followers to look for after they die for him. The abundance of food, comfort and luxury that man has looked for centuries. Nirvana for the Buddhist is made to order. Plenty for all, to share and share alike, black or white, rich or poor, young or old, Muslims, Jews, Christians, or any other faith, if they only make the least effort to become part of it. Such marvels that Harunnashid or King Solomon will envy. Why should I deny that to myself at this age? Now when my children and grandchildren are here to share with me. From above you will notice, how blindly I am prejudiced in favour of this great country, yet my eyes are not closed to the disadvantages that may go along.

While I am seeing the Vadic age of Old India, which we heard about in early Arya Samaj meetings, yet I am seeing the start of ManaBharta (World War 1) which has been on the go still. It is mere continuation of it. Our friend Nassar has followed the fat of Kaiser Wilhelm, Hitler and many more to come yet. Two million Israelies brought infamy to hundred million > rattlres Ghauries and Ghaznavis that your Indra admired. May be they are not through yet. Evil force of Reds is shocked at the loss of the face. But Nassar hardly realizes that sabre rattling and the religious fanatism to fan the ignorant and illiterate to die for them is over.
Just like the Old Romans, Greeks, Spanish and the last of the band Britishers have perished in our History, Pandvas and Kurauns are on the battlefield again since 1914.

I do hope and pray, in my time before the last breath is out, we have Lord Krishna, to extinguish the fire of hatred and let this great country of USA lead the world to the path of peace for all of the humans to see the blessings of His creations.
Moons, Mars, Saturns, and all are coming so close to the humans that we can already hear the voices from them and also see the pictures of them.

Mr. Ahuja, may be our time is limited but I can foresee that our grandchildren will enjoy some of the benefits out of it all and then maybe thanks us or curse is. I still feel like we should get together before the end of our lives. I hope and pray.

Collection: Abnashi Ram Materials
Donor: Roshan and Raj Sharma
Item History: 2015-07-14 (created); 2017-02-22 (modified)

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