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Immigration File for Chajo Khan

Immigration case file for Chajju Hafis Khan (No. 10150.5/2-34). The file contains a number of different forms including a “Certificate of Admission of Alien” dated 1943, and an office memorandum from an office in Aberdeen, Washington in 1946. A conflicting set of reports indicates that Khan arrived in San Francisco aboard either the S.S. Bamalita on October 21, 1906 or the S.S. Spokane on November 30, 1906, with Manghi Khan, Kabool Khan, and Khushi Mohamed. His name is alternatively spelled as Chajo Khan.

Early Immigration

Subject(s): Chajo Khan
Language: English
Location: Angel Island, CA

Holding Institution: The National Archives at San Francisco
Collection: Immigration Arrival Investigation Case Files
Digitizer: Manan Desai
Item History: 2013-10-31 (created); 2014-03-19 (modified)

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