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India-America Society Bulletin (February 1965)

The February 1965 issue of India-America Society Bulletin (Vol. 3, No. 2), edited by Tara Bagai. The issue includes news of the society's celebration of India's Republic Day, a concert with Ravi Sankar, and a luncheon organized for M. Gopala Menon, Resident Director of the Indian Investment Centre. Book reviews and announcements for future events are also included.

Community Media

Date: February 1965
Language: English
Source: India-America Society Bulletin
Creator: Tara Bagai
Contributor: Jermeja Singh Hundal, Gertrud Nasri
Location: Hollywood, CA

Collection: Ram Bagai Materials
Donor: Rani Bagai
Item History: 2013-07-16 (created); 2013-08-18 (modified)

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