Letter from Bhagwan Singh Gyanee to Madam Chiang Kai-shek

Letter from Bhagwan Singh Gyanee to Madam Chiang Kai-Shek dated January 4, 1943 and sent from Denver, Colorado. In the letter, Gyanee describes his meeting with her and her sister, Madame Sun Yat Sen, as well as details of his own deportation from Canada. Gyanee also mentions his inactivity in politics and pursuits in experimental psychology and adult education.

The letterhead is from the American Institute of Culture in Santa Barbara, California, founded by Gyanee.

Date: January 4, 1943
Type: Correspondence
Language: English
Creator: Bhagwan Singh Gyanee
Location: Denver, CO

Madam Chiang Kai-shek,
Washington D.C.

My dear Madame

It was my pleasure to meet you and your illustrious sister, Madame Sun Yat Sen, in 1913, having been introduced in Tokyo by Dr. Sun Yat Sen in the home of Mr. Umea. Dr. Sun had just escaped from Shanghai and I had just been deported from Canada and made my escape into Japan. After that Dr. Sun and I spent quite a good deal of time in the mountains. I cannot help but wonder if you recall the incident of our meeting. I was then known under the name of Bhagwan Singh.

I would appreciate your informing me if you plan to come West or anywhere near here so that I might have the pleasure of meeting you again and discussing conditions in both China and India. I have been an exile for over thirty-five years, and domiciled here in the United States for the last twenty-seven years. The enclosed literature will give you some idea of the work I am carrying on. I have not been active in politics for some years but am engaged in experimental psychology, developing a pattern for advanced adult education. However, it would not be possible to have anything but a keen interest in the conditions developing in the Orient today, where the center of gravity for at least the next century is being established.

It has been my privilege to know a number of your countrymen, including General Wong Sing and Dr. HuShi. I have not had the pleasure as yet of meeting your present Ambassador.

Awaiting your reply and with best wishes to you,


Collection: Bhagwan Singh Gyanee Materials
Donor: S.P. Singh
Item History: 2012-03-21 (created); 2013-05-03 (modified)

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