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Letter from Har Dayal to Van Wyck Brooks (January 13, 1913)

Letter from Har Dayal to Van Wyck Brooks, dated January 13, 1913 and posted from Berkeley, California. Dayal mentions the Rice Institute in Oakland, and invites Brooks to speak on Whitman. Dayal mentions a few mutual acquaintances -- Anton at Stanford (most likely referring to Anton Johansen, who was involved with the International Workers of the World, the I.W.W.), and Larkin (who may refer to James Larkin, also involved with the I.W.W. and the U.S. Socialist Party).

Freedom Movement

Date: January 13, 1913
Type: Correspondence
Language: English
Creator: Har Dayal
Location: Berkeley, CA

??. ??. Berkeley (Cal) Jan. 13. 42 ?? My dear Brooks, I have been thinking of writing to you. How are you doing? Would you like to speak on Whitman at the Rice Institute in Oakland on Wednesday evening, Feb. 12, for the People's Literary League. We are having a series of lectures on literature etc. The Rice Institute is the centre for social life of the more intelligent classes of people. You may read a paper, if you like. The audience will be an intelligent one. The organization will pay your expenses. Kindly let me know at once. Barry is going to lecture on Ibsen. I have been very busy and have to be careful on account of the cold weather. I think you find it dull at P.A. How is the Thursday club getting on? Any new problems on which you are thinking in these days? I am worrying over the relation of esthetics to ethics. I wish to arrive at some position midway between the Greek & the Christian. How is your book on Wells getting on? I look at the Forum to find if there is anything from you. Auton is at Stanford. Have you met him? Has he taken you in his confidence about his personal affairs? I only inquire. It is good for him to have a trusted friend, to whom he can talk. I don't know if you know anything. Larkin is drifting away from all I hear. He cannot control himself and is becoming more impulsive. I don't know what can be done. I am so sorry. Have you seen him lately? Do write to me often. I have made good friends at Berkeley. I read a paper on "Anarchism & the State" before the Philosophical Union of the University here. We had a successful meeting. How is Charlie? Is he growing? Mille baisers from me. Send me his photo, if you have one. My fraternal greetings & best compliments to Mrs. Brooks. I miss her very much. Yours ever Dayal

Holding Institution: University of Pennsylvania
Collection: Van Wyck Brooks Papers
Item History: 2011-11-27 (created); 2020-04-24 (modified)

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