V. V. ('Sugi') Ganeshananthan Oral History Interview
V. V. ('Sugi') Ganeshananthan is an Ilankai Tamil American fiction writer and scholar based at the University of Minnesota. Her first novel is titled Love Marriage and her second novel was forthcoming at the time of this archived interview. Sugi discusses her upbringing and experiences being in Tamil American spaces.
Pradeepa Oral History Interview
Pradeepa is a Sri Lankan Tamil artist and multimedia creator, as well as a social activist, hailing from Minneapolis, Minnesota and based in Colombo, Sri Lanka at the time of this interview. She left Sri Lanka as a young child and grew up as an asylum seeker at constant risk of deportation in the United States.
Fatima Oral History Interview
Fatima is an Afghan woman who has lived in the U.S. for the last 6 years. She discusses her struggles as a refugee living in Iran where she grew up. She lived in Afghanistan for 10 years before moving to the U.S. She has been very active in speaking out against injustices regarding women's rights, minority rights and human rights in general.
Asha Magrati and Deepak Rauniyar Oral History Interview
Asha Magrati and Deepak Rauniyar speak about caste and ethnicity as a Hill Dalit and Madhesi couple, about hiding caste in Kathmandu, how caste can be hidden but not the skin color/ethnicity, and how casteism and colorism continue from Nepal to US.
Photo of a Vest that Fatima Created For a Pro-Refugee Protest
Photo of a vest that Fatima created for a pro-refugee protest in Washington, D.C. in 2016. Fatima has experienced the hardship of being a refugee in a country where she was made to feel like an outsider from a young age. She had to flee Afghanistan again due to safety concerns and understands that seeking refuge in a new place comes from a desperate situation.
Sakhi Holy Shrine in Kabul, Afghanistan
Photo of the Sakhi Holy Shrine in Kabul, Afghanistan taken by RD in August 2021 a few days before the fall of Kabul to the Taliban. RD talks about highlighting the beauty of structures that exist within Afghanistan.
Fatima Sitting on a Hill in Bamiyan, Afghanistan
Photograph of Fatima sitting on a hill in Bamiyan, Afghanistan across the Bamiyan Buddhas where she was making a documentary about doula's in Afghanistan. Fatima talks about the memories of beautiful places in Afghanistan including the Bamiyan Buddhas. These statues hold a significant importance to Afghan people in general but Hazaras in particular.
A Vest that Fatima Created For a Pro-Refugee Protest
Photo of a vest that Fatima created for a pro-refugee protest in Washington, D.C. in 2016. Fatima has experienced the hardship of being a refugee in a country where she was made to feel like an outsider from a young age. She had to flee Afghanistan again due to safety concerns and understands that seeking refuge in a new place comes from a desperate situation.
Henry Jaghai Oral History Interview
Henry Jaghai, a retired horse breeder & owner, and entrepreneur, discusses his love of horses, tracing his ancestry from India to Jamaica, his record label in Jamaica that produced Indo-Jamaican music, and why his family ultimately moved to the U.S.