Letter from M.W. Newbold to Mahesh Chandra
Letter from Dr. M.W. Newbold to Mahesh Chandra, regarding his brother Ramesh Chandra, who had suffered a coma without regaining consciousness.
Certification of Indian Citizenship for Ramesh Chandra
Certificate of Indian citizenship for Ramesh Chandra dated June 26, 1950. The certificate includes information about Chandra's father, place of birth, and present address.
Complaint Report
Complaint report dated March 12, 1967 from the Lodi Police Department filed by Mr. Netz in Lodi, California.
Photograph of Vaishno Das Bagai with Mahesh and Ramesh Chandra
The three men in front are Mahesh Chandra (left), Vaishno Das Bagai (middle) and Mahesh's brother Ramesh Chandra (right). The two men behind them may possibly be Chandra brothers Ishwar and Krishna. The Bagai and Chandra families were close friends.
Photograph of Bagai and Chandra families
Photograph of Bagai and Chandra families. From far left to right: Ramesh Chandra, Mahesh Chandra, Vaishno Das Bagai and Kala Bagai. The woman holding the flowers next to Kala is Mahesh's sister, Prabha Chandra.
Photograph of Vaishno Das Bagai and Others
A photograph of Vaishno Das Bagai and others. A handwritten note on the back of the photograph identifies others in the photograph, including Ramesh Chandra, Abnashi Ram Premi, and indicates the picture was taken in the early 1920s.