The Independent Hindustan (April 1921)
The April 1921 issue of The Independent Hindustan (Vol. 1, No. 8), the monthly organ of the Hindustan Gadar Party, features several original editorials, reviews, and reprinted articles. Notably, the issue also mentions the resignation of Surendra Nath Karr from the position of editor. A full listing of the contents of the issue follows:
The India Liberator (October 1917)
The October 1917 issue of The India Liberator (Vol. 1, No. 2), published from Berkeley, California and edited by Ishwar Chandra. The issue features a cover article on Annie Besant, her imprisonment and subsequent release by the colonial Indian government.
Dr. Annie Besant
Pamphlet advertising two lectures from Annie Besant in Scottish Rite Hall, San Francisco on September 24 and September 28, 1926. The lectures were sponsored by the Theosophical Society, and promised an appearance by Krishnamurti.