The following is a list of publications (journals, periodicals, etc.) from which items in the archive originate.

1984: Breaking the Silence (6) India-West; India Abroad (1) The Aryan (1)
4-H Langoor Club (4) Indian Christian Student (1) The Bharat Jyoti (1)
Akali Patrika (3) IndiaWest; India Abroad (1) The Boston Globe (2)
Amerasia (2) Indo-America (1) The Bulletin of San Francisco (1)
America Through Hindu Eyes (5) Indo-US Samachar (1) The Celebrity Society (1)
American Federationist (1) International Press Correspondence (1) The Chicago Maroon (4)
American Historical Review (1) International Visitors Council of Los Angeles (IVCLA) (1) The Chutney Bubble Tea Half Hour (6)
Appeal-Democrat (1) Iowa City Press-Citizen (1) The Coloradoan (1)
Archival Creators Fellowship Program (398) Journal of Chemical Education (1) The Cosmopolitan Student (1)
Asia (1) L.A. India (14) The Crisis (1)
Asia and the Americas (1) L.A.-India (1) The Daily Californian (1)
Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (1) Life Magazine (37) The Diplomat (1)
Awaz of Artwallah (1) Look (1) The Evanston Review (1)
Bay Region Business (2) Los Angeles Examiner (5) The Free Hindusthan (2)
BLITZ Newsmagazine (1) Los Angeles Herald (1) The High-Caste Hindu Woman (2)
Blue And White Weekly (1) Los Angeles Sentinel (2) The Hindustan Review (9)
Boise Capital News (1) Los Angeles Times (23) The Hindustan Times (2)
Bombay Dost (1) Los Angeles Times, India-West (1) The Hindustanee (2)
Canada and India (1) Lum and Abner (1) The Hindusthanee Student (55)
Chatham University Archives & Special Collections (36) Malibu Democratic Club (2) The Honolulu Advertiser (3)
Chicago Daily News (1) Marie Claire (1) The Illustrated Weekly of India (1)
Chicago Sun-Times (12) Modern Review (14) The Independent (1)
Chicago Sunday Tribune (1) Muhammad Speaks (2) The Independent Hindustan (9)
Chicago Today (2) National Catholic Reporter (1) The India Liberator (2)
Chicago Tribune (4) Nava-jug (13) The India Reporter (2)
City of Los Angeles Cultural Affairs Department (1) Nepali National Daily (1) The Indian Express (1)
Collier's Weekly (1) New History (1) The Indian Gazette (1)
Commerce & Industry (1) New India Bulletin (1) The Indian Home (4)
Common Sense (1) New Outlook (1) The Indian-American (1)
Congressional Record (1) New York Post (4) The International Wood-Worker (1)
Current Literature (1) New York Times (2) The Journal of International Relations (1)
Daily Columbia Spectator (1) New Yorker (2) The Literary Digest (1)
Daily News (6) News Digest (1) The Minneapolis Kiwanian (1)
desi Talk (1) News India (1) The Modern Review (1)
DRUM Newz (1) News India Times (2) The Nation (1)
Durham Morning Herald (1) Newsday (1) The New India (1)
El Diario (1) Norwich University Record (1) The New India Bulletin (1)
Engineering News-Record (2) Oakland Tribune (1) The New Orient (1)
Evening Outlook (3) Oregonian (5) The New Republic (2)
Fort Collins Coloradoan (2) Our Educational Problem (1) The New York Times (2)
Forty-Four Months in Germany and Turkey (1) Out West (1) The Oakland Post-Enquirer (1)
Free Frank Fearless Guide for East-West Friendship Bi-Weekly (1) Overland Monthly (2) The Observer (1)
Frontiers Magazine (2) Pacific Coast Business and Shipping Register (1) The Open Court (1)
Gandhi Today (1) Pacific Monthly (1) The Outlook (1)
Gurdwara Vermont (1) Pakistan Forum (1) The Philadelphia Press (1)
Hahnemann Monthly (1) Paswan (1) The Post-Press (1)
Harper's Weekly (1) Philosophy of Science (1) The Reader's Digest (1)
Herald Examiner (1) Political Science Quarterly (1) The Recorder (1)
Highland Park News-Herald and Journal (1) Public Ledger (Philadelphia) (1) The Reveille (2)
Holiday Magazine (1) Puget Sound American (1) The Saturday Evening Post (2)
Honolulu Star-Bulletin (1) Radiostan (5) The Seattle TImes (1)
Hyde Park-Kenwood Voices (1) Rajani (38) The Sunday Standard (1)
IDA (1) Rochester Democrat & Chronicle (1) The Sunday Tribune (1)
Inc. (1) Roti Kapda Aur Makaan (6) The Survey (1)
Independent India (1) SAMAR Magazine (14) The United States of India (33)
India & Canada (1) San Francisco Bulletin (1) The Vermonter (1)
India Abroad (14) San Francisco Call (2) The Washington News (1)
India and Her People (1) San Francisco Call & Post (4) The Washington Star (1)
India Forum (2) San Francisco Chronicle (5) The World's Work (2)
India in New York (4) San Francisco Examiner (2) TransIndia (1)
India Journal (7) San Francisco News (1) Tri-Valley Herald (1)
India Journal, India Abroad (1) San Pedro News-Pilot (1) Trikone Magazine (13)
India Monitor (1) Scene (2) Vedanta Quarterly (1)
India News (5) Scientific American (1) Vegetable Growers Cooperative of Holtville (1)
India News and Views (1) Seattle University Spectator (1) Voice of India (3)
India Post (3) Serai (1) Washington Post (2)
India Today (4) Shades of L.A. Photo Collection (5) World Federation (1)
India Tribune (1) Shakti Khabar (1) World Sikh News (1)
India West Magazine (2) Shamakami (1) World Today (2)
India's Message (1) Sharanjit Singh Dhillonn Scrapbook (103) Yoga Life (1)
India-America Society Bulletin (10) Sikh Archive Podcast (1) Yogesh K. Gandhi (1)
India-West (27) Spokesman Weekly (1) Young Democracy (1)
India-West, India Abroad (1) Sunrise (1) Young India (40)
India-West, India Abroad, Green Sheet (1) The American Weekly (1)