Article about South Asian Rally Against Police Brutality
An article in "Newsday" titled "South Asians Rally Against Cop Brutality" about a solidarity protest and rally held by a coalition of South Asian organizations, including the South Asian Action and Advocacy Collective.
Article about Conference to Organize South Asian Activists
Article titled "A Whole 'Lotta' Shaking Going On" discussing the outcome of a conference devoted to organizing South Asian activists with approximately 140 activists in attendance.
"Desis Seek Amnesty" article
Article on rally for undocumented immigrants rights organized by the Human Rights of Immigrants and the National Coalition for Dignity and Amnesty, and contributed to by SAAAC. SAAAC was key to encouraging the South Asian community to support the rally.
Letter from Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund
Letter from an attorney at AALDEF thanking Roop Persaud for their testimony at a hearing held by NYS Legislative Task Force on Demographic Research and Reapportionment about the Asian American community.
Email for Training with Lavi Soloway
Email correspondence from Ragini Shah of the South Asian Action and Advocacy Collective, offering training for SAAAC members on applying for asylum based on sexual orientation (provided by Lavi Soloway of the Lesbian and Gay Immigration Rights Task Force).
Immigration Workshop Flyer
Flyer for an immigration workshop held by the South Asian Action and Advocacy Collective at the Queens Borough Public Library in New York, intended to educate attendees about changes to green card and visa regulations.
Illegal Housing Practices Seminar Flyer
Flyer for a seminar on illegal housing practices featuring Ragini Shah from the South Asian Action and Advocacy Collective. The event was held at the Queens Borough Public Library in New York and was intended to educate attendees about tenant rights and resources.