This item is an audio file.

Oral History Interview with Jebaroja Singh

Dr. Jebaroja Singh is a Dalit woman, and an assistant professor of interdisciplinary studies including Anthropology, Sociology and Women and Gender Studies. She is also the author of Spotted Goddesses: Dalit women's agency-narratives on Caste and Gender Violence (Contributions to Transnational Feminism). She was born and raised in Chennai and is currently based in Rochester, New York.

Duration: 01:25:58

Date: April 20, 2020
Type: Oral History
Source: Archival Creators Fellowship Program
Creator: Dhanya Addanki
Location: New York

Collection: Dhanya Addanki Fellowship Project
Item History: 2020-07-17 (created); 2020-10-09 (modified)

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