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Bhagwan Singh Lecture on July 15, 1942

A lecture delivered by Bhagwan Singh Gyanee on July 15, 1942 as part of a summer conference. The topic for the lecture is on experimental psychology. In the 10 minute audio clip, Gyanee summarizes and reiterates the three important lessons from the lecture the evening prior and introduces the subject of experimental psychology.

Freedom Movement

Duration: 00:10:28

Date: July 15, 1942
Type: Audio
Language: English
Creator: Bhagwan Singh Gyanee

Now, in relation to last night’s subject, I may suggest that you bear in mind the three respective parts, or three propositions. Every student should take at least at least three constructive ideas out of these lessons every night – at least three, if not more. With respect in relation to psychoanalysis, the three important lessons would be: first, the psychoanalysis will reveal only that aspect of a personality which is affinitized with conduct, outward conduct. Outward conduct is not based upon the inner maturity of the being alone. Outward conduct may be pureto the stimulus which external maker of the universe provides. Person may be totally free from any kind of blemish, or any kind of anger, or any emotional depravity, but external conditions were created in such manner that the individual could not help but respond inappropriate to the conditions with which he’s in touch. And that means any time – in a relation to any human being – such conditions may arise which make his conduct in this manner inevitable. That’s not that he is, in his personality or even in his entirety, on that level, but he could not help to manifest or act like that. That’s one thing that should be remembered: No one act of any individual is a criteria of the judgment of that individual. One action is simply a small, little drop out of whole ocean of the human personality, which is hidden behind, which is inherent – this one drop which manifests in a given conduct or a given relationship, which too impotent and too incomplete to be made a criteria of the human character in its entirety, or the judgment on the personality on the whole may be found.

The second very important point is that psychoanalysis is too young as yet to know to the human personality in its entirety. We do not know the deep, underlying causes of the human behavior. Even the person who acts under given condition, does not know why he acts as he does. It is true the psychologists being specially trained, they are capable of reasoning it out why individuals act as they do, but at the same time psychology is too young a science to give us any accurate idea of this enormous reservoir of human personality. As to what are these tendencies and traits, inclinations, characteristics, as well as potentialities and the pressure behind the instruments, the dynamics, the nervous system, the brain mechanism which makes human beings act as they do. That does not mean that we should stop psychoanalyzing people, or using it, especially when it deals with pathological cases or with diseases. If it helps somebody to cure their mental mechanism or maladjustment, it should be done. But nevertheless, its shortcomings should be recognized, that it is not the last word. No science with which human beings have anything to do is the last word on anything because the object which science is applied – in this case, human personality – is too complex. It’s too subtle. It’s too … too inherent, it is too complicated to pass any judgment or brag about that we know everything there is to known, to be known, in relation to personality.

The third very important lesson should be remembered also, that science of analysis, as anything else, is a more or less a mental approach to the problem. What it tries to analyze is the emotional state, psychic state. Most of the mechanisms with which people become sick, or from the reservoir from which people become sick, is their emotional maladjustment. Emotions belong to the psychic nature. It is true that the only power which analyzes anything, including the mental life itself, is the mental faculty or mental power. But through solely mental approach, you cannot solve the problem of the psyche. Without feeling, without identity with, or without assimilating yourself some of the properties of the feeling that comes into exist in the runs of emotion, you cannot really understand unless you are sympathetically one with the patient and you experience the same thing as experienced as patient has. In other words, intellectual approach is not sufficient, nor strong enough, not enlightened enough, to give us the complete picture of the psychic makeup of man, and most of this maladjustment through personality comes from the emotional side or psychic side. Therefore, there is a great deal more room which needs to be explored, and there is a great deal more that could be expected.

Those are the three points which you should remember in relation to last night’s subject. This is 15th day of July and 15th of the lesson, one half of the summer conference work or close to one half or more is done. And every day it brings us deeper into the complicated problems which are undertaken in the summer conference this year.

Tonight we will pick up the subject on a experimental psychology. Experimental psychology deals with the future, the futuristic aspect of science of psychology. Experimental psychology have to explore new fields, it have develop new channels, it have to crystallize knowledge so gained, it have to apply that knowledge to the human problems that human beings live. In other words, problems of adjustments, important as they are, are not the criteria of the development of the science itself. No science should be bound down to the actual realities of life as man lives. Man’s living depends upon his inner state of evolution. Every man is not very far advanced, as far as their mental or spiritual or moral life is concerned. Most men are biophysical and very few individuals live even to the fullest, the emotional reality, which added to the biophysical makes man a psycho-mental. Very few individuals explore the realms of mind, therefore lower three stages constitutes the vast majority of the human being: biological, physiological, and psychic. Now, what our human being does on those three planes is automatic, spontaneous, and without any individual will or individual understanding. Very little in our conduct that could be traced to the actual, deliberate mental thinking, or the process of arriving at some mental conclusions after deliberate thought. When science of psychology, which is based upon the intellectual understanding of man’s personality, is reduced to the lower three states, which function automatically, then you can see what a fall it experiences. Science of psychology, when adopted to the lower three states of the human personality and trying to adjust with it and cure its ailments and try to fathom its incompetencies and inefficiencies and its reflexes and its complexes and its various kind of diseases, and when human beings reason it out for the purpose of understanding why a physical body does as it does, without understanding the biological planes or physical plane or psychic plane, then you can understand where science of psychology is leading us.

In other words, in order to cure each disease, in order to cure diseases of each person, we have to have knowledge of more than one aspect of his personality. There are many things, many diseases or maladies, appear to be physiological. Many physical diseases are created, or come in to exist, on account on the emotional – lack of control of emotion, or the emotional control. Then how does the emotion possess the nervous mechanism? How does emotion come to possess and control the vital nerve senses – centers – with which it depletes the biological fluids which are necessary for the physical functioning, or health of the physical body?


Collection: Bhagwan Singh Gyanee Materials
Donor: S.P. Singh
Item History: 2012-06-28 (created); 2013-05-04 (modified)

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