Asian Americana 014 - Kala Bagai
"What was it like for a South Asian woman immigrating to the US in the early 20th century, and how did she build a community over her lifetime? And why name a street in Berkeley after Kala Bagai — especially since she may not have spent much time living there, if she did at all?"
"Mother India" Dies In L.A. at Age of 90
Obituary in India West Magazine for Kala Bagai Chandra, who died in Los Angeles at the age of 90 from a stroke. Chandra was among the first South Asian women to immigrate to the U.S., having arrived in San Francisco in 1915. Her husband, Mahesh B. Chandra, was a member of the Gadar Party.
"In Loving Memory of Mrs. Kala Bagai Chandra"
A program announcing memorial services for Kala Bagai Chandra, set for October 11, 1983. The document eulogizes her as one of the first Indian women to enter the United States (in 1915), and lists off many of her relatives. Per the program, the service was followed by a dinner in her honor, held at the headquarters of the Greater Los Angeles Press Club.
Invitation to Surprise Dinner Party for Kala B. Chandra
Invitation to a surprise dinner party for Kala Bagai Chandra, celebrating her 80th birthday on April 14, 1973. The party was to be held at the home of Kala’s grandson Jagdish Bagai and his wife, and RSVPs were to be addressed to either Jagdish or Kala’s son Ram Bagai.
"Road to Kala Bagai Way"
Hand-drawn chart illustrating the "Road to Kala Bagai Way"; shows the many steps taken from 2019 to 2021 in order to have a Berkeley street successfully renamed to Kala Bagai Way.