SAALT Unequal Consequences Report
South Asian Americans Leading Together (SAALT) report titled Unequal Consequences: The Disparate Impact of COVID-19 Across South Asian Americans. The report highlights the need for funders and policy makers to gather accurate disaggregated data on South Asian communities in the U.S. to be able to understand and respond to the needs that have emerged since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.
2013 National South Asian Summit Summary
This is a summary of the 2013 National South Asian Summit, which was hosted by South Asian Americans Leading Together (SAALT) and the South Asian Law Student Association (SALSA) at American University Washington College of Law.
Muslim Ban 3.0: Urdu Fact Sheet
This is a fact sheet about the Muslim Ban 3.0, which was issued by President Trump in 2017. It provides information about the countries targeted by the ban and the restrictions imposed on their citizens. The fact sheet also explains who is exempt from the ban and who can apply for a waiver.
NCSO Convening and Advocacy Day, 2018
This document provides information about the NCSO Convening and Advocacy Day, which was held on May 9-10, 2018 in Washington, D.C.
Community of Contrasts: South Asians in New Jersey
This is a publication that provides an overview of the South Asian community in New Jersey. It highlights the growth and diversity of the community, as well as the challenges and needs facing South Asians in the state.