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Oral History Interview with Ra Avis

In this oral history interview, Ra Avis discusses her experience as a formerly incarcerated "Chicana-Desi" who grew up in Texas and now lives in California. Avis discusses the death of her husband while she was incarcerated and her experience as an incarcerated firefighter and the injury she sustained. She discusses her classification in California jails and prisons and also discusses the difficulty of obtaining nutritious food and other basic needs in prison.

Photo 1: A note from the girls in jail before prison.

Photo 2: An embroidered handkerchief with her husband's writing.

Photo 3: Ra and Dave.

Duration: 02:03:46

Date: January 31, 2021
Type: Oral History
Source: Archival Creators Fellowship Program
Creator: Savannah Kumar
Location: Long Beach, CA

Collection: Savannah Kumar Fellowship Project
Item History: 2021-12-08 (created); 2021-12-08 (modified)

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