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Oral History Interview with Satveer Chaudhary

BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: Satveer Chaudhary was born in Minnesota. He attended high school, college, and law school in Minnesota. Presently he is serving in the Minnesota legislature. SUBJECTS DISCUSSED: Parents, familiarity with parents' language, schooling, extracurricular activities, travel in England, India, and South Africa, political work and law school, running for state office. Importance of education, loyalty to family, friends, hospitality, and Indian-American identity.

Date: March 27, 1997
Subject(s): Satveer Chaudhary
Type: Oral History
Language: English
Creator: Polly Sonifer
Location: Minnesota

Holding Institution: Minnesota Historical Society
Collection: India Association of Minnesota Oral History Project
Additional Information: Phase 2
Item History: 2016-11-23 (created); 2016-11-23 (modified)

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