This item is an archived website.

Taqwacore Webzine

The Taqwacore Webzine was created and written by members of the taqwacore movement, a sub-genre of punk music. The term taqwacore is a portmanteau of hardcore and the Arabic word 'Taqwa' meaning 'God Conciousness'.
Note: An archive of the website is available for download. The hyperlinks in html pages will not work, but the pages can be viewed by opening them individually. For example, clicking on the "About" link on the main page will not work, but you can view the About page by opening "about > index.html" in the downloaded website archive.


Click here to download a browsable archive of the website (zip file).

Date: 2009 to 2012
Subject(s): Taqwacore, Music
Type: Website
Language: English
Contributor: Imran Malik, Marwan Kamel, Basim Usmani, Shahjehan Khan, Sena Hussain, Omar Majeed, Eyad Zahra, Kim Badawi, Tanzila Ahmed

Item History: 2012-06-27 (created); 2013-05-03 (modified)

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