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Clementina Butler, "Pandita Ramabai Sarasvati" (1922)

Clementina Butler's biography of Pandita Ramabai was first published in 1922. Ramabai was a social reformer and Christian convert, who traveled to England and the U.S., where she published a travelogue and various critiques of caste and gender divisions in Hindu society. Butler served as the manager and corresponding secretary of the American Ramabai Association, with members in Boston, New York, Brookline, Ahmednagar, and New Haven. A full listing of the association is printed at the back of the book.

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Date: 1922
Subject(s): Pandita Ramabai
Language: English
Creator: Clementina Butler

Item History: 2012-02-10 (created); 2013-05-03 (modified)

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