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John D. Barry, "Sidelights on India" (1912)

A 1912 pamphlet of John D. Barry's Sidelights on India, contains several of the author's pieces originally published in the San Francisco-based Bulletin. Har Dayal contributes the preface addressed to his "countrymen," while thanking Bulletin publishers R.A. Crothers and Iremont Older, as well as the author John D. Barry. The pamphlet contains the following essays: "The Conquest of India" (June 1, 1912); "Hindu Philosophy" (June 3, 1912); "Starvation in India" (June 8, 1912); "Education in India" (June 19, 1912); "The Durbar" (July 6, 1912). In each of these essays, Barry draws heavily on the opinion of Har Dayal.

Freedom Movement

Date: 1912
Language: English
Source: The Bulletin of San Francisco
Creator: John D. Barry
Location: San Francisco, CA

Collection: Gadar Party
Item History: 2011-11-21 (created); 2013-05-03 (modified)

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