Bhaskar P. Hivale, "A Travelogue on India"
Pamphlet from the 1920s titled "A Travelogue on India" used to promote the lectures of Bhaskar P. Hivale for the Circuit Chautauqua. The pamphlet describes Hivale's lecture, which included 73 colored slides, 2500 feet film, Hindu music and exhibit.
"Bhaskar Pandurang Hivale: New India"
Advertisement from the 1920s promoting the lectures of Bhaskar Pandurang Hivale on topics ranging from Oriental and Occidental conflict, "A Trip to India," and "What a Child Can See in India." As mentioned in the advertisement, Hivale was a Ph.D. student at Harvard, and graduate of Bombay and Andover Theological Seminary.
Message of the East (Spring 1948)
The 1948 Spring issue of the Vedanta Quarterly (Volume 37, No. 1), issued by the Vedanta Centre in Boston, Massachusetts, subtitled the Mahatma Gandhi Memorial issue. The issue contains essays by Swami Paramananda, Gayatri Devi, Verrier Elwin, and Olive Sharma.
"Eqbal Ahmad, Pakistan citizen"
Newspaper clipping from The Boston Globe dated January 13, 1971 of an article providing six sketches of the anti-war activists accused of conspiring to kidnap Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. Eqbal Ahmad, a fellow at the Adlai E. Stevenson Institute for International Affairs at the University of Chicago, was one of the six indicted.
Photograph of Ravi Shankar and Alla Rakha at MIT
Photograph taken during a concert at MIT by Ravi Shankar and Alla Rakha. The concert was organized by Sangam, the Indian students association at MIT.
Photograph of Ravi Shankar and Alla Rakha at MIT
Dinner at Ashdown House, after a concert performance organized by Sangam, the Indian Student club of MIT, in January 1976. Sangam member and collection donor Waris Warsi stands in the background.
Photograph of Ravi Shankar and Alla Rakha at MIT
Alla Rakha and Ravi Shankar with MIT students at Ashdown House, after the concert performance organized by Sangam, the Indian Student club of MIT.