Letter from W.E.B. Du Bois to B.R. Ambedkar
Letter from W.E.B. Du Bois to B.R. Ambedkar dated July 31, 1946. In the letter, Du Bois responds to Ambedkar's letter, and enclosed a statement made by the National Negro Congress to the United Nations Council. Du Bois also writes that he has "every sympathy with the Untouchables of India."
Shawn Prasad Campaigning
In this slideshow, you will see:
Shawn Prasad canvassing with his union on behalf of Ossoff and Warnock in the special elections for senators in Georgia January 6, 2021.
Shawn Prasad and Carlos Padilla canvas in the rain for the GA special election for two senate seats, Ossoff and Warnock eventually winning in January 2021.
Abhisake Kole Oral History Interview
Abhisake (Abhi) Kole was born in Calcutta, India and grew up in Maryland, USA. He pursued his bachelors in Statistics and Economics at George Washington University where his interest in the economic toll of untreated chronic illnesses through economic development inspired his desire to attain an MD/PhD.
Oral History Interview with Ashok Jethanandani
Ashok Jethanandani is a retired software engineer, a former editor of India Currents, and a practicing doctor of ayurvedic medicine based in San Jose, CA. He met his now husband, Arvind Kumar, in 1985, who helped start Trikone, the oldest queer South Asian group in the United States.
Oral History Interview with David Kalal
David Kalal is a painter, animator, and filmmaker living in New York City. Born and raised in New York, David came of age at the beginning of the AIDS crisis in the US.
Oral History Interview with Devesh Khatu
Devesh Kathu is a former software engineer and current gay, South Asian activist based in Mumbai, India. Devesh was an active member of Trikone in the Bay Area, the oldest queer South Asian group in the United States, and served on the board of directors for the Asian & Pacific Islander Wellness Center in the 1990s.
Oral History Interview with Margaret Abraham
A sociologist, a writer, a researcher, a teacher, and an advocate for social justice, Dr. Margaret Abraham currently serves as the Special Advisor to the Provost for Diversity Initiatives at Hofstra University, where she was the former chair of the Department of Sociology, and the former Director of Women's Studies.
Oral History Interview with Sandip Roy
Sandip Roy is a South Asian journalist, writer, and commentator on NPR's Morning Edition based in Kolkata, India. Formerly living in San Francisco where he initially worked as a software engineer, Sandip was an active member of Trikone and served as the magazine's editor throughout the 1990s.
Oral History Interview with Sridhar Venkatapuram
Dr. Sridhar Venkatapuram is a health policy & ethics scholar, and a Senior Lecturer in Global Health and Philosophy at King's College in London, England. He grew up in Minneapolis, went to Brown University for his undergraduate degree, received an MPH from Harvard University, and eventually completed his PhD at the University of Cambridge, under the guidance of Amartya Sen.
Oral History Interview with Surajit Bose
Surajit Bose is a retired education technologist, former volunteer for the Pete Buttigieg presidential campaign, and identifies as a gay South Asian currently living in the Palo Alto, CA. He immigrated to the US in the early 1980s to attend graduate school at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana.