Gathering Of Poets Flyer
This was last poets gathering event that Ram Babu Gautam attended before COVID where he shared his poem describing caste and its ill effects on human race. It was worth noting because it helped Ram Babu to educate other community members from south Asian community to advocate anti-caste ideology
Photograph of Milind Awasarmol & Raju Kamble
This is one of the iconic photo because Raju Kamble, who is considered mentor and founding member of Ambedkarite community across the globe. As Milind Awasarmol is part of Ambedkar International Mission he has opportunity to share time in anti-caste movement with Raju Kamble.
Photograph of Protest at UN
Protest against brutal rape and murder of a Dalit girl in India were organized by all the Ambedkarite organization at various places. Ambedkar International Center took it further and protested in front of UN to condemn the role of Indian system and society.
Unfinished Legacy of Dr. Ambedkar Conference Flyer
A flyer of the last conference organized before COVID pandemic in the series of conferences of ‘Unfinished legacy of Dr. Ambedkar’. The conference is organized by Ambedkarites in USA since their active presence on critical social, religious, cultural, and political space is of a novel quality.
Ambedkar Birth Anniversary Celebration At Columbia University
This is first bust of Dr Ambedkar in USA, which is at Columbia University Campus in NY. It is a practice of Ambedkarite Community to visit Columbia University to pay respect to Dr. Ambedkar by putting garland to his bust.
Oral History Interview with Ronikali Merali
This interview was conducted as part of SAADA's ACFP 20/21. The interviewee discussed his early life in Uganda, his experience of finding out about and living through Idi Amin's expulsion of Asians from Uganda, his efforts to find a new home and departing Uganda, and his early years of resettlement in Greenville, South Carolina.
Oral History Interview With Ashraf Ellison
This interview was conducted as part of SAADA's ACFP 20/21. The interviewee discussed her early life in Uganda, her experience of finding out about and living through Idi Amin's expulsion of Asians from Uganda, her departure from Uganda to the UK, her live in the refugee camp in UK, her move to Spartanburg, South Carolina to be with her husband, and her early years in South Carolina.