Advance Summaries of Addresses Delivered at India Independence Day Dinner
A document from the India League of America excerpting speeches being given during the India Independence Dinner hosted in honor of Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit on January 26, 1945 in New York City. The document excerpts speeches by Pandit, Pearl S. Buck, Lin Yutang, Elsa Maxwell, Francis J. McConnell, and Sirdar J.J. Singh.
Request for Support for Famine Relief Activities
Letter dated February 25, 1946 from President of the India League of America J.J. Singh and Richard J. Walsh, Chairman of the Executive Committee. The letter discusses the formation of a Famine Emergency Committee in response to famine in Bengal, and requests donations.
Famine Is Like This
Reprint of the essay "Famine Is Like This" by John Frederick Muehl first published in Asian and the Americas (January 1946). The essay was distributed by the India League of America.
A World To Live In / We're Helpless Gandhi Pleads
Two reprinted essays about the effects of the famine on the Indian population distributed by the India Famine Emergency Committee of the New York-based India League of America.
Basic Facts about India
Pamphlet printed by the India League of America titled "Basic Facts About India." Contributors are listed as Anup Singh, H.W. Boulter, and Hemendra K. Rakhit, members of the Research Bureau of the India League. The pamphlet also includes a list of all the other pamphlets published by the India League of America.
A Report on the Memorial Meeting
Report on a meeting organized by the India League of America on February 7, 1948, held in honor of Gandhi, who was assassinated that January. The report contains excerpts from speeches by Sirdar J.J. Singh, Sheikh Mohammad Abdulla, M. Asaf Ali, Warren R. Austin, N.
Speech by Dr. Anup Singh at India League Mass Meeting
Speech given by Anup Singh at the India League Mass Meeting on August 9, 1943. Singh discusses political arrests of men and women activists for Indian freedom, and criticizes a recent article by Herbert Matthews in the New York Times, which discredits the Indian National Congress.